Diana & Jen - Agent Training (1) ($5.70)

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Diana and Jen want to be agents and so the instructor needs to find out, which one of them is the best. He explains that he will try out different knock out techniques and the one who will stay awake longer will get the job. He starts with a neck grip on both and their eyes start to roll. Diana is the first who faints. A moment later Jen faints too. The instructer removes her shoes now and poses their feet to the cam. Diana wakes up, puts on her shoes and wakes up Jen. The instructor makes Jen stand up to her feet and sends a neck chop to her. Her eyes roll back and she faints with a moan. He wakes her up and sends another neck chop to her. Jen faints over his shoulder and is carried around. Now he wants to find out if Diana can stay awake longer. The neck chop makes her pass out quite fast. Another chop and she faints over his shoulder. Also Diana is carried around now. After a moment both girls return and the next lesson is to resist a sleepy liquid. Jen puts on a mask and Diana drops the liquid into the mask. Jen's eyes start to roll and after a moment she faints. When she wakes up again the mask is still over her mouth. So, her eyes roll back and she faints again. Now Diana removes the mask and puts it over her mouth. Jen drops the liquid into Diana's mask. Also her eyes roll back and she faints. When she wakes up she faints again. Now Jen removes the mask and both are waiting for the next lesson.

Release Date 2009-04-27
Resolution HD (1280 x 720)
Filetype mp4
Duration 8:30 minutes
Price $5.70
Agent YES
Eyeroll YES
Neck Chop YES
Two Girls YES

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