Chris - Koed & Carried in Bikini ($6.42)

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Chris takes a sunbath and a guy sneaks from behind. When Chris raises her head he smashes an air mattress on her head. He eyes roll back and she faints with a nice moan. The guy removes her shoes so one can see her bare soles. She wakes up after a while and once again the guy sneaks from behind. This time he uses a neckchop to make the eyes of Chris roll back. Finally she faints in his arms, is carried around and layed down. Chris wakes up and puts her feet into the pool. Afterwards she lays down on an air mattress and one can see her wet soles. The guy appears and uses a pressure point to her neck. He eyes start to roll and after a while she faints again. The guy poses her soles to the cam now. When Chris makes it back to her feet she is still very dizzy. So she rans agains a pipe. Her eyes start to roll back and she moans a lot. Finally she faints in the arms of the guy and he starts to carry her around. He lays her down and one can take a look at her soles again.

Release Date 2008-06-21
Resolution HD (1280 x 720)
Filetype mp4
Duration 10:50 minutes
Price $6.42
Armcarry YES
Bikini YES
Eyeroll YES

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