We offer differnt kind of sleepy styles like fainting, control, carrying or comedy knockouts.
See some of our popular models below
Mel is one of our most faithful models as she already joined the team in 2006 and is still an active member. Respect:)
Mel activeChris is with us, since we started in 2006. She appears in almost 100 clips and is able to play any kind of character.
Chris retiredNatalia is from the UK and one of our english native speakers. She is most talentent in rolling and crossing her eyes.
Natalia activeLina is with us for many years and she is able to cross and roll her eyes. She told me, that she will stay as long as her feet are looking young:)
Lina activeWe met Gina in 2010 and she is talented in doing funny stuff, as she can chross and roll her eyes very well.
Gina activeAngel is one of our best eye crossing models,and so she is suitable especially for any kind funny ko scenes.
Angel retired